Rhinoplasty of the nose, characteristics, types of surgery, training

Rhinoplasty the nose is one of the most popular types of surgery of the facial surgeons, which has as its General and local anesthesia. It allows you to literally 3-4 weeks to find a new face.


Usually, when first meeting people, considering the appearance of the counterpart, allocate any features and the most noticeable elements of the face. Features of human psychology lies in the fact that the most prominent points on the face are the eyes and the nose. What to do if the nose is the most significant part of the face are not satisfied with their shapes. Ask for help to specialists in the field of cosmetic surgery, with rhinoplasty will give the perfect proportion and shape of the nose.

The nose and its unpleasant features

Most often, the nose creates problems for its owner or of the owner, because it is innate characteristics or after injury can significantly spoil the appearance. This is especially spoils the life of young women and girls the wrong kind of nose, the prominent chubby cheeks, the lips don't fit the conventional standards of beauty for a certain period of time. Today is to radically change the nose, making it such as it wants to see the owner or recommended by doctor will help plastic surgery. Rhinoplasty nose nowadays is a very popular procedure, of its features below.

The surgery — rhinoplasty nose

Under the nose rhinoplasty surgeons mean aesthetic surgery is performed to alter the shape or size, contours the outer surface of the nose.

Rhinoplasty is carried out for two problems:

  • Elimination of congenital disorders and defects of the anatomical structure;
  • The treating trauma in the form of deformities and disorders of the contour the most outstanding part of the face.

The main purpose of rhinoplasty is to harmonize the face by changing the shapes of the nose, not breaking individual facial features. The essence of the operation is that by surgery is the correction of bone and cartilaginous nasal framework. For the first time this method has been applied relatively recently – a little more than half a century ago, after the war. Showing high efficiency of the method, doctors have made significant breakthrough in surgery.
Thanks to a fairly simple intervention solved problems direct healing and improved emotional background of the patient due to the harmony and aesthetics of the face.

The main feature of the operation is the age limit of patients. Surgeons – beauticians do not recommend the procedure before 18-20 years, since the early rhinoplasty, further age-related changes can lead to violation of structure of the facial skull and the result of the operation will be broken.

Features of rhinoplasty nose

When the attending doctor recommends a rhinoplasty patient, which physiological or aesthetic problem with the structure of the nose, it causes some confusion. Usually instrumental surgery and even on the face does not cause much enthusiasm, because it is still a surgery (rhinoplasty of the nose). But this surgical intervention is based on doing small incision of the skin and subcutaneous fat of the skin, resection itself is exposed and the nasal septum. Such sparing approach allows to eliminate the defects of sufficiently high complexity. The use of an open technique to repair the nose is directed to move the cartilage or delete them if necessary.

The technique involves holding the open, closed, revision rhinoplasty, nose, Sept plasty, rhinoplasty with fillers. When the most loyal method of rhinoplasty, the entire volume manipulation carried out only by Nazarevich cuts. But such intervention is not always valid due to certain circumstances.

before and after

Features non-surgical rhinoplasty

To eliminate minor cosmetic defects helps this procedure, as a non-surgical rhinoplasty nose. The purpose of this procedure is to change the structure of the nose.

The adjustment is carried out by injection – injected to the patient subcutaneously a gel composition.

Cartilage is susceptible to any influences, so radical methods of changing the shape of the nose can lead to the formation of calluses in the area of change.

Non-surgical rhinoplasty the nose is divided into some groups. Procedure:

  • to increase the nose – introduced fillers in the region of the recess, the recess;
  • reduce nose – introduced hormone treatment in areas where there are excessive soft tissue.
  • to change the shape of the nose correction is performed using langedoc or threads.

Any of these methods is a non-traumatic way, so that the specialist can choose any procedure given the problem that must be addressed.

After conducting non-surgical rhinoplasty is possible to obtain a stable, if temporary effect, which will have to adjust again. If necessary a drastic change of appearance it is better to resort to operating procedures to correct the defect.

Change the tip of the nose

the tip of the nose before and after

If you want to change the shape of the tip of the nose, resort to surgical intervention. Rhinoplasty for the tip of the nose is a popular procedure in this area of medicine.

There are some common factors for which there is a formation of the rounded tip of the nose (a nose like a potato):

  • Patients with thickened skin in the nose area are often faced with such a problem. In such a situation will help remove excess tissue.
  • Also the problem may lie in the cartilage. The lower lateral cartilage is excessively wide or convex.

The rhinoplasty contributes to such changes in the tip of the nose:

  • reduction a rounded nose;
  • small elevation omitted;
  • straightening curved;
  • narrowing wide.

Correction of drooping tip by removing cartilage.

Plastic surgeons are and other kinds of operations of the nose, eliminates the asymmetry and sagging columella (skin partition, located between the nasal passages), etc.

Such operations are among the most complex due to the peculiarities of each procedure, as each person has a cartilage tissue has its own structure and form.

If the operation was unsuccessful, the patient may not be distorted and deformed the tip or the entire nose. So, deciding on rhinoplasty, it is better to trust your face to an experienced doctor.

Is it worth to do rhinoplasty of nose?

Whether to do rhinoplasty, will decide each patient after the consultation with a plastic surgeon. There are some arguments that speak for and against the manipulation.

Rhinoplasty is a complex operation, involving difficult early rehabilitation period. Besides to recover will have a long time – the final result can be seen only after a year. Before the intervention the surgeon is not able to give a 100% guarantee that the new shape of the nose you will be satisfied.

There is a likelihood of adverse functional consequences in the form:

  • lability or perforation of the septum;
  • secondary changes of the mucous after surgery;
  • sustained violations of nasal breathing function.

In the early stage of recovery there is a risk of medical complications, namely infection, bleeding, tissue necrosis. Although similar problems are encountered in rare cases.

As for the arguments that speak for a rhinoplasty, it should be noted that life-long effect and almost limitless opportunities to improve the appearance. The presence of constraints, dictated only by common sense.

Thanks to modern technology used by plastic surgeons, it is possible to fully renew the respiratory function of the nose and remedy any defect, including post-traumatic strain of the disease or failed surgery.

side effects

The pros and cons of the procedure

Be sure to say about the pros and cons of rhinoplasty.

When choosing a doctor for surgery, preference should be given to a qualified, experienced specialist. At the clinic where you are going to do the surgery must have all necessary equipment and licenses. The ideal option is to choose a doctor that has the skills for the plastics as closed and open way. Due to the intricate work of a specialist should not happen deterioration. There should be only improved respiratory function as the result of executing the manipulation.

Among the disadvantages of such an operation, it should be noted the presence of contraindications to its conduct. It is forbidden to do rhinoplasty patients:

  • under 17 years of age;
  • with diabetes;
  • with bleeding disorders.

Before surgery is required to pass appropriate diagnosis. On the basis of the results, the doctor can tell whether you can do rhinoplasty.

The advantages of such an operation include the possibility of use during the procedure with General or local anesthesia. The patient is given the opportunity to make a choice types of anesthesia, but before that it is necessary to consult a surgeon. If you have a simple operation, you can resort to local anesthesia. If the manipulation involves intervention in the nasal septum and the nose, it is better to choose General anesthesia.

The main advantage of plastic surgery of the nose is to acquire the desired result. For patients, long suffering from a wrong shape of nose, getting positive result after rhinoplasty is a great incentive to improve your personal life and strengthen self-confidence.

Among the disadvantages of rhinoplasty also worth noting:

  • any bleeding after the procedure;
  • the formation of inflammation and infection in the nose;
  • the decrease in sensitivity of the nose;
  • dissatisfaction with the resulting effect.

Although many of these deficiencies can be avoided if correctly to choose the doctor who will do a rhinoplasty.

The volume of indications and contraindications

Any type of treatment – medical or surgical implies the existence of certain indications to the appointment and contraindications, which limit the application of the method or eliminate it completely.

Indications for rhinoplasty are divided into direct and indirect:

  1. Direct testimony consist in fractures of the nose, congenital external defects, anomalies of the structure of the nose, greatly complicating the process of respiration, after burns, frostbite, mechanical damage of a different nature, the residual phenomena after traumas.
  2. Indirect is a subjective need to improve facial aesthetics. The surgeon – the cosmetician at the request of the patient changes the size and shape of the nose.

Absolute contraindications is the presence in the anamnesis of diseases of the cardiovascular system, heart failure, liver pathologies, cancer processes, asthma, diabetes, low blood clotting, allergies. Temporary is a young or old age of the patient, SARS, any pregnancy, lactation, menstrual period.

Types of rhinoplasty nose

Relative what issues should be solved with surgery, rhinoplasty nose can be of different types. First and foremost it is a remedy for various injuries, disease, or in the process of fetal formation of the shape of the nose.

The correction of existing shortcomings related to the aesthetic type of rhinoplasty:

  • Changing the contours and size of the nose wings;
  • The elimination of the curvature of the septum traumatic, physiological, compensatory character;
  • The conduct of conchotomy – resection and elimination of hypertrophied mucous membranes, in which the correction is made shapes and sizes of the nose;
  • Correction columella between nozdreva jumper by healing cartilage or excision of the lower part of the nostrils;
  • Augmentation allows operational by lifting the nose;
  • Grafting — increase a small nose;
  • Correction of the lower part;
  • Filerna operation;

Laser methods of intervention significantly reduces the risk of bleeding, reduced recovery period.


Preparing for surgery

Preparing for rhinoplasty starts at least two to three weeks before the planned date of the operation. The doctor prescribes a set of diagnostic procedures which include General blood chemistry, the study of the prothrombin index of blood is determined by the group and the relationship of the RH factor, and also revealed the possibility of presence of antibodies of HIV and hepatitis. Mandatory urine tests are taken, the patient undergoes an ECG, FKG, topographic scan.
Mandatory consultation with the therapist, cardiologist, neurologist and, if necessary, GYN.

Stages of the operation

The procedure lasts from one hour and a half to two. The initial stage is the introduction of anesthesia. When choosing local anesthesia during the surgery, the patient will experience some discomfort and unpleasant feelings.

  1. When doing closed surgery is done several incisions in the mucous membranes inside the nose, the visibility of the operative field is limited.
  2. When the open method is the exfoliation of the tissue, exposure of bone and cartilage structures of the nose, remove a hump, narrow the bony part of the nose or correct the cartilaginous structure.

The final step is to impose fixing plaster bandage, and the introduction of tampons into the nasal passages.

after surgery

The postoperative period

Imposed immediately after surgery, fixing plaster bandage to stabilize the structure of the nose. The doctor removes the bandage not less than 10 – 15 days, the period of wearing depends on the severity of the operation.

  • Throughout the week, remains the swelling of different intensity, particularly at the upper and lower eyelids;
  • Minor swelling will last up to a month;
  • There is some nasal congestion due to swelling of the mucous after surgery;

Strong pain is usually not fixed, the doctor recommends that you do not blow your nose, not much coughing, do not drink or eat hot, restriction of physical activity from 20 days to one month. Part of the gentle treatment is diet, which includes not hard meals that do not require intensive mastication and effort to raskusyvanii. It is desirable that the food was pureed, soft, no spices and hot spices. A special physician is a diet rich in vitamins – steamed, boiled and raw vegetables, fruits and berries. To intensify the healing processes used disinfectant solutions and specialized nose drops.

Possible complications

In the postoperative period can lead to various complications. They can occur in the form of purple circles under the eyes, swelling, breathing difficulties, nausea, numbness of the tissues of the nose, runny nose with bloody discharge, accompanied by weakness and fever.

At later periods after surgery complications can occur for aesthetic or functional order.

  1. The first is the distortion, deformation, scars, blemishes and adhesions, suture line disruption.
  2. The second can be attributed to increased intracranial pressure, the occurrence of perforations of the nasal septum, hematoma of various sizes and localization, the emergence of toxic shock syndrome, abscesses, osteotomy, complications breathing.

When any of these phenomena should immediately contact performed the surgery the doctor.


The rehabilitation period

For intensification of rehabilitation it is necessary to lavage the nasal passages, the lubrication ointments appointed by the doctor.

In order to as quickly as possible to get rid of puffiness, you must follow these rules:

  • Complete elimination of alcohol;
  • To exclude the sun, visits to a Solarium;
  • To minimize physical exertion;
  • Do not use decorative cosmetics.

But even with strict observance of all requirements and recommendations of the doctor not always possible to obtain the desired result. It depends on the individual characteristics of the organism, and other nuances.

Frequently asked questions about rhinoplasty and answers

Consider the most common patient questions and answers:

What is rhinoplasty? The so-called plastic surgery, the purpose of which is to change the size and shape of the nose.

Is there an age limit for the operation? Plastic surgery is allowed after 18 years. Although rhinoplasty can be performed at the age of 16, but this requires written permission from parents.

What is the timing of the receipt of the final results of rhinoplasty? Observe the effect of manipulation is possible after approximately 12 months. Throughout this period, will be swelling, although not pronounced, and often completely invisible to others. Although immediately after the procedure, you will see yourself with a different nose. You need to prepare for that in addition to edema have to deal with a sustained hyperemia and changes in skin tone. The main swelling will disappear a few weeks after rhinoplasty surgery, the remaining swelling and redness disappear after a couple of months. And for the rest of the term will disappear, and others swelling, invisible to others.

Will remain upon completion of the operation scars? When conducting a closed operation visible scars do not remain. While the open rhinoplasty involves a small incision in the columella, where in the future will leave a scar. Although this should not cause concern – over time, the scar will be completely invisible.